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The Common Thread Community is a collection of people seeking to labor together in community to leverage all our gifts and resources for a common cause: the furthering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We see our organization flourishing as a strong oak, rooted in and empowered by the Gospel. As a tree’s branches extend into the sky, we envision our impact extending into our world’s most unreached and neglected areas. We see this happening as…

We Plant Gospel Centered Churches
We desire to send out small communities of believers, made up of both families and singles, to live among and invest their lives in a targeted location or people group. As this happens, the worship of God will be established as believers gather regularly for worship and intentionally share life together. Read more

We Create Kingdom Minded Businesses
We empower business owners and entrepreneurs to labor together in community. By doing so, we facilitate the sharing of ideas and resources for the advancement of the Gospel. Read more

We Reach Out To Those Who Need
We are committed to caring for society’s most vulnerable people through holistic, life-giving ministry as well as developing centers of community outreach. We strive to take the Gospel to the world’s most broken and unreached places. Read more

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