Magic City Blues Society

Magic City Blues Society


 P.O. Box 55895, Birmingham, AL 35255

Born in the Deep South, the blues incubated in the heat and hard times of Southern life, maturing for a century or more before gaining worldwide acceptance and popularity as an established musical genre. Many virtuoso blues performers never gained true public acceptance, and some have passed away unrecognized and unrecorded.

The Magic City Blues Society is a non-profit (501-C) organization founded on January 10, 1993.
The purposes of the society are:

(1) to encourage the performances of the blues;
(2) to encourage the preservation of the blues;
(3) to develop an appreciation of the blues within the community; and
(4) such other charitable civic, literary or cultural activities within the community consistent with the purposes stated above.

The blues is very much a part of Southern life and history, deserving recognition as a valid and historical folk art form.