Foot Soldiers Sculpture

Foot Soldiers Sculpture

Memorial - Outdoor Sculpture


 500 17th St N, Birmingham, AL, 35203

This sculpture sits in Kelly Ingram Park and is dedicated to the foot soldiers of Birmingham, those non-violent men, women, boys, and girls who marched alongside Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth, and other leaders of the Civil Rights movement. Confrontations between the foot soldiers and Bull Conner’s attack dogs and water cannons took place in Kelly Ingram Park. Images from these confrontations generated public outcry which shifted much of the world’s attention on the fight for racial equality. The park was first known as West End Park but was renamed in 1932 for Osmond Kelly Ingram, a sailor who was killed in World War I.

Medium type: Steel

Date created: 1995

Location Info

500 17th St N

500 17th St N, Birmingham, AL, 35203